Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Time of Peace and A Time of War ...

Levi Campbell Roberts (1827-1896)

Levi Campbell Roberts (my great-grandfather) was born December 13, 1827 in Sevier County, TN. At the time of his birth, the town of Sevierville was sparsely settled with only one main street. The first courthouse was a log structure. Large families were very common then, Levi being the eldest son of Elisha's and Gracy's nine children. Families worked hard building homes, making their own clothing and supplying enough food to feed their families. Women worked along side their husbands in the fields as well as taking care of the house. Many children meant many hands on the farm.

Entertainment consisted of fiddle playing and dancing, but because many the older people, who were primitive baptists, frowned on dancing, a new form of "swinging games" was played. We know these games as "square dancing" today. There was also "harp singing", which does not involve the harp at all. The origins of harp singing goes back centuries to England, but it really took root in the south. Harp singing is more like a shouting out, with stark harmonies that are haunting and raw.

The 1830 Census for Sevier County lists the following occupations: blacksmith headed the list, 6 doctors, 3 lawyers, 2 Methodist preachers, 8 Baptist preachers, wagon makers, carpenters, saddlers, merchants, 1 hatter, 1 cooper, 1 chair maker and 3 shoot and boot makers. Of course the majority of the residents at this time were farmers, which would continue until the Industrial Revolution.

Levi was born into a time of peace and as his father did before him, he farmed on a piece of land next door to his parents and also raised cattle. In 1850 he married Nancy Jane Russell, she was born November 1, 1827 in Jefferson County, TN. It is not known at this time who her parents were. Levi and Nancy had six children: John, Mary Jane, Martha D., Samuel Houston, Sarah, William Albert and an unknown female child. In 1860 he was the Constable of Sevier County.

When their last child was born, the world as they knew it was changing, war had once more entered the lives of Sevier Countians, and this war would see brothers, cousins, fathers and sons on opposing sides. Levi served in the Home Guard and five of his brothers joined the Union Army, CoM 2nd Tennessee Cavalry.

The war took a toll on the citizens of Sevier County, with raiding by the Union and Confederate troops. On September 8, 1863 his father, Elisha, died and Levi was now the head of the family. Then just a little over a year later on April 30, 1864 his mother, Gracey, died of meningitis. His young wife, Nancy, who was probably nursing her mother-in-law succumbed, along with an infant, daughter one day later to the same illness. Nancy and her infant daughter are buried in the same grave next to Levi's parents at Alderbranch Cemetery.

Levi was now left alone to raise his six young children. On November 9, 1865 he married Harriet Kerr (my great-grandmother). Census records show that Harriet, as well as giving birth to eight children of her own, raised the youngest child, William Albert Roberts, of Levi and Nancy. Levi and Nancy's children at the time of her death ranged from the ages of 14 to 1. It is not known who raised the other children of Levi and Nancy. Perhaps they were raised by relatives of Nancy and it is also possible that the older ones may have been apprenticed out to learn trades. It is also interesting to note that the children of his first wife are not mentioned in his will.

Children of Levi and Harriet (Kerr) Roberts: Nancy Ann, Grace Elzora, Joseph Harrison, Laura Belle, Isaac Newton, Amanda, James H. and Sara.

Harriet Kerr Roberts died in 1885 and Levi later posted guardianship bond for their minor children. Harriet and Levi were buried in the Kerr Family Cemetery, their remains were later re-interred by the TVA to Union Grove Cemetery in Sevier County.

Guardianship Bonds

Ward Guardian Heir Of

Roberts, Garce E. Roberts, L.C. Harriet 1888/1892
Isaac N. Roberts ditto
James H. Roberts 1888
Joseph H. Roberts 1892
Laura B. Roberts 1888
Sara Roberts 1892


Will Book 1
Page 504-506

I, LEVI C. ROBERTS of Millican, County of Sevier and State of Tennessee, being of sound mind and considering the uncertainty of life, do therefore make and declare this to be my last Will and

FIRST I order that my Executor herein after named pay all my just debts and funeral expenses as soon after my decease as conveniently may be.

SECOND That my Executor sell a parcel of land known as the John Knight place containing 18 acres more or less, also a parcel or lot of land, beginning at a stake near Albert Roberts, then running up the main hollow to a big white oak tree a side line between McTrotter and myself this boundary lays northeast of the main hollow number of acres not estimated and in the event that the aforesaid lands does not pay all my just debts I authorize my Executor to sell one parcel or lot of land lying on the northeast of my home farm, beginning on a white oak corner of a lot of land of my wife Harriett and running with the top of the ridge northwest to a post oak corner of my own and McTrotter and if this lot should bring more money than it takes to pay my just debts I want the remainder equally divided between my five youngest children, to wit: Nancy A. and Gracy E. and Joseph H. and Laura B. and Isaac N. and that Nancy A. and Isaac N. have the old residence and there be no deduction of their part of land for said residence and that I give Joseph H. 1 Bay Mule and I give Isaac N. 1 Mouse colbred Mule and I give and bequeath to Nancy A. 1 milk cow and one heifer calf and 1 sheep and 1 brood sow the oldest one on the farm and that Isaac N. have 1 young brood sow and that I give and bequeath to Nancy A. five head of stock hogs for to fatten for the meat of my family that I have at home and that I bequeathto Nancy A. what corn is in my crib for the use of the family at home and also what wheat and oats that I have at present. An I bequeath to Isaac N., 1 wagon and all the farming tools that I have and that my land that I have beqeathed to my children above named to be divided with them when the youngest becomes twenty-one years of age. And that my Executor sell annually the rents of the aforesaid farms until it be divided and that the proceeds to be equally divided between my five youngest children. And that my Executor sell remainder of my stock hogs 10 in number and 2 young steers and pay the same to my creditors. And if there should be any legacy coming to me from any source I want it divided equally between all of my heirs in case it is not necessary to pay it out on my debts.

I appoint Eli H. Roberts to be Executor of this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made.

In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this 11th day of September, 1896.


witnesses: Joshua Atchley
Noah Haggard

Admitted to probate, September 19, 1896.

W. C. Large - Deputy Clerk

The Albert Roberts mentioned in Levi's will is William Albert Roberts, his son by Nancy. There is a deed registered for land that he sold his son next door to him.

State of Tennessee
Sevier County
Deed Book

I L.C. Roberts have this day bargained and sold and do hereby transfer and convey unto W.A. Roberts and his heirs and assigns forever for the consideration of ninety dollars to me in hand paid a tract or parcel of land in the State of Tennessee, Sevier County and in District No. 7 containing by estimation seven acres and 20 rod be the same more or less and bounded as follows; Beginning at a white oak corner to W.M. Finchum's land and runs S 39 W 21 1/3 poles to a post oak S 15 E 4 poles to a stake near a white oak N 70 W 29 poles to a stake at stable door N 41 W 14 poles to a stake at the fence N 551/2 E 71/2 poles to a cedar N 491/2 E 341/2 poles to a stake on W.M. Finchums line S 35 E 28 poles with the same to the beginning to have and to hold the same to the said W.A. Roberts his heirs or assigns forever. We do covenant with the said W.A. Roberts that I am lawfully siezed of said land, have a good right to convey it, and the same in unincumbered. I do further covenant and bind myself my heirs and Representatives to warrant and forever defend the title to the foregoing described tract of land and every part thereof to the said W. A. Roberts his heirs or assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whatever this the 31 day of October 1890.

L.C. Roberts (seal)

J.J. Ellis, Clerk of the County Court

To be continued ...

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