A Grandson's Journal
The following journal was written by Walter P. Roberts, a great-grandson of Isaac Roberts..I have tried to transcribe it as close as possible to the original text. I have added notes and/or corrections in parenthesis. Above is a picture of Walter P. and Gertrude Crowder Roberts taken in Knoxville, Tn in 1910. This picture was sent to me by Terry and Geva Roberts of Galveston, Texas. Terry (Terrell) is the "grandson" of Walter P. Roberts and so the circle continues.
My greatgrandfather, Isaac, came from NC in the later part of 1700, dont know who his wife was, but as far as I am able to get the correct data the following children was born to them: Elisha Roberts who married Grace Reed, Juda Roberts sister of Elisha married Joshua Williams a resident of Sevier County, another daughter name unknown to the writer married a Mr. Brown resident of Jefferson County, Tennessee but very little is known other than that there is quite a few of her descendants scattered in both Jefferson and Sevier Counties. Another son bearing the name Isaac Roberts went to Texas and never married leaving quite a fortune which Lawyers consumed and the heirs received nothing. This is as far as I am able to trace our people.
Juda Roberts and Joshua Williams a resident of Sevier County and several children were born to wit, Morton Williams, Houston Williams who both married sisters, Hodges, one daughter Evaline who married John Rose a resident of Knox County and their children being part owner and operator of the D.M. Rose Lumber Company of Knoxville, Tennessee. Another daughter married Andrew Pitner of Sevier County and several children were born to this union, among them part owner and operator of the D.M. Rose and Company Mills. (note: there are seven known children of Juda and Joshua Williams).
The Family of Elisha Roberts and Grace Reed Roberts
Elisha Roberts married Grace Reed a resident of Sevier County, Tennessee and the following named children was born to that union. Levi Campbell Roberts was born December 13, 1827; John Sevier Roberts was born June 4, 1830; William Mitchell Roberts was born December 14, 1833; Nancy Angeline Roberts was born May 28, 1835; Albert Galloway Roberts was born June 1, 1837; Eli Harrison Roberts was born December 25, 1840; Elijah Houston Roberts was born November 25, 1843; Sarah Jane Roberts was born May 14, 1846 and Joseph Birdwell Roberts was born April 3, 1850.
Levi Campell Roberts the oldest son of Elisha and Grace was named for a uncle of his on his mothers side. Levi C. Roberts was always a farmer and lived and died very close to where he had lived for many years before his death. In the latter part of 1840 he married Miss Russell (Nancy Jane Russell) with whom he lived until her death in the year 1863 when she and a daughter as well as his mother (Grace Reed Roberts) died from brain fever (meningitis) within a few days of each other and are buried at Alderbranch Cemetery and to this union was born the following children:
John Roberts being named for his Uncle John S. Roberts, the uncle being exactly 20 years old when John Jr. was born. John Jr. grew to manhood and married Delilah Denton, a daughter of Isaac and Mary Denton with whom he lived until her death which occurred in Knoxville, Tennessee about the year of---. Her remains being taken back to the Old Home Cemetery which he had given and deeded as a Family Cemetery across the road from his old home in Jefferson County, Tennessee. A year or two later he married Belle (?) with whom he lived until his death which occurred 1928. He being a little more than 78 years of age at his death. There was no children to either of his wives, he was considered a honest man and always did what he said he would do, he as well as his first wife a member of the Methodist Church in the later part of his life was very devoted and thought lots of his church.
The next son of Levi and Nancy was Samuel Houston Roberts carrying part of his Uncle Houston's name in early life married Mary Letherwood (Leatherwood) a daughter of John Sr. and Hannah Leatherwood with whom he lived until her death in the year (?). Sometime after he married Ida Rackard with whom he lived until her death, again he married a Mrs. Widner of Knoxville, Tennessee where they resided until his death in 1926. He was buried at Seven Island he was also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and was a exorter for many years previous to his death he was always considered a honest hardworking man, and always lived on a farm.
Mary Jane Roberts the next in order married Jim Cowden and had several children at her death, two in Knoxville, and one in Texas she was buried at (?) another girl named (?) died about the same time her mother died and was buried at Alderbranch. (There is only one headstone at Alderbranch, so perhaps the young daughter was buried with her mother, Nancy J. Russell Roberts).
John Sevier Roberts the second son of Elisha and Grace Reed Roberts married Rachel Atchley and the following named children were born: (Unfortunately this page is missing) John S. Roberts was a exorter in the Methodist Church.
William Mitchell Roberts the third son when a young man joined the Federal Army and served throughout and returned with his brother Eli H. Roberts, who enlisted with him, and married Sarah Kear (Kerr) a sister of his oldest brother's last wife. (Levi's second wife was Harriett Kerr). William lived on Flat Creek and reared his family on part of the Keer (Kerr) farm and farmed and served the 15 District as J.P. for several years, was a member of Providence Baptist Church and was clerk of the church for years. And died and was buried with his wife in what is known as the Keer (Kerr) Cemetery (Family Cemetery) with his older brother Levi C. Roberts. And to this union was born the following named children:
Ulysis (Ulysses) Grant Sevier now living in Knoxville in charge of stock room Cherokee Motor Company, Daniel Milton named in part for his grandfather, Daniel Kear, Thornton L., Carry, Flara (Flora) Bertha, Chlora (Chloe) and Zora and William Jr. Ulysis married Ida Kear, a cousin, and a few years later she died and he married Miss (?) and is now living in Knoxville. Milton married Kate Brock and had two boys one who is living. Thornton L. lives in Knoxville and has been a city mail carrier for several years and married Sue Lawson who died a few years ago. Carry married Leonard Brock and had several children and lived near Knoxville, Tennessee. Flara Ann married Pink Catlett and had quite a number of children and is now living on a farm five miles below Sevierville, Tennessee, Bertha married Lee Atchley and has children, Cloa (Chloe) married a cousin and has children and lives in (?) Zora married a Sutton and lives in (?) William Jr. married and was by profession a Graduate Licensed Pharmacist and died from Mitral regurgitation a few years ago while at work in a Chattanooga Drug Store and brought back and buried in the Kerr Cemetery.
Nancy Angeline Roberts married Esq. N.B. Pate and there were two children born a boy and a girl Clementine who in 1874 married Eli M. Blair and there were four children born of this union: Walker W. Blair, Lillie Blair Houser, Amos and William Blair, Mrs. Blair (Clementine) later married about the year 1890 James H. Catlett but no children was born of this union, she died at her home in Knoxville, Tennessee in the year 1929 and was buried there. C.C. or Columbus Pate (Nancy's son) as he is known now lives on the old Pate Farm where he was born and reared being twenty years younger than his Uncle Eli H. Roberts both being born on Christmas Day. He married Mollie Bird and six children had been born to them the oldest Hettie died when small leaving Pearlie, Maggie, George, Clifford and Josie. C.C. was as his father and mother before him members of the M.E.C. She and her husband are buried at Union Grove Cemetery.
Albert Galloway Roberts enlisted with his brother Eli in the army and served until his death in the year 1863 when he died from measles and pneumonia and is buried at Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He never was married but as I have always been told was engaged to have married Mary Atchley a sister of John S. Robert's wife.
Eli Harrison Roberts was born in the year President Harrison was elected and carried part of the name when 21 years of age joined the Army returning home engaged in Teaching, traveling and in the year 1877 he married Sallie Henry daughter of Sam and Martha Douglas Henry and four children were born: Dr. A. W. Roberts being born August 1, 1878, Martha Angeline born January 22, 1881, Hallie Deen born August 18, 1883 and the baby Carrie Jane Roberts born March 18, 1886. A. W. Roberts, Martha and Carrie are all married and Carrie had one child who died at the age of one year. Hallie remained single and is living at Knoxville, Tennessee and owns the Old Roberts Farm which has been in the family before the turn of the century. Eli Harrison Roberts bought out the heirs of his father and lived at the Old Place until his death on August 21, 1916. He engaged in Farming and was U.S. Pension Attorney for years. Was elected J.P. for the seventh district in 1906 and served until 1912 and refused to make the second race on account of ill health. In the year 1915 a cancer developed in his mouth and after taking treatment for some months under a quack it broke out on his face. He died in the year mentioned above. He never joined any church but said in his last days that he was ready to die, his sympathy being with the M.E.E. Church and I am of the opinion if he had every joined any church he would have joined it. He was buried beside his wife in Alder Branch Cemetery where his father and mother now sleeps. He was a man of splendid education of his day wrote a good business hand and was of high temper and easley wrought up and was not slow in telling you how he stood on any subject.
Elijah Houston Roberts, or as he wrote it H.E. on account of the same initials as his brother, he reversed them, was of a different type from that of his brother Eli H. Slow to anger and had very little to say, a good citizen and a fine carpenter honest in all of his dealings, and married to Elizabeth Atchley and there was born the following children to wit: Jarusha (Jerusha) Mary Ann, Nancy, Tina (Sarah Clementina), Jones, Laura, Bertha and Walter. Family all married and scattered several years ago. He (Elijah) moved from the Alder Branch Settlement and located in South Knoxville, Tennessee where he lived until his death in 1908 and was buried near his home and later his wife died and was buried with him. (Woodlawn Cemetery in South Knoxville) He was a member of the B.C. (Baptist Church).
Joseph Birdwell Roberts the baby of the family being named for the physician who delivered him. Born April 3, 1850. His father and mother (Elisha and Grace Reed Roberts) died in the time of the Civil War, the mother from brain fever (meningitis) and the father from dropsy supposed to be the same as the son died from and after that he made his home with his sister, Nancy Roberts Pate, and later with his brother Eli H. Roberts, and during this time he taught a great many schools after his marriage to Martha Bird 1892 he continued to teach for a few years and was considered one of the best of his days and time, as also he was said to have been one of the best disciplinarians and when necessary could be stern and ridged but he knew enough of human nature of all children couldn't have a education whipped into them, therefore he used the milder punishment which is now considered to be the best, it is said that he taught at least 10 years at one place in Jefferson County and at different places in Sevier County, there was one son to his wife and him and he bears the name of Columbus Radford (Bradford) Roberts and is married and lives near his mother who survived the father and husband. He was a member of the Union Grove M.E. Church and has been found at Sunday School and Church of upward of 40 years was teaching the men class for years, as well as treasury of the Sunday School. Joseph B. was somewhat milder in temper than that of Levi C. and Eli H. but when made mad was a very dangerous man feared neither man or devil and people who were acquainted with him will attest to this fact for three or four years before his death he had a leaky heart. He suffered a great deal and finally dropsy developed and he passed away March 18, 1929 at his house near Union Grove Church and was buried on March 20, 1929 in that church yard. A very unusual circumstance accrued on the day of the funeral an old lady and a friend of his, Mrs. Harrison Leatherwood, was buried at the same hour both caskets carried into the church and funeral service for both very nicely conducted by Reverend Glen Lapper, Pastor in charge who spoke in beautiful terms of life and character of both, very unusual for two people 97 and 79 years.